Getting Started

CloudCruise helps you automate tasks on the web by creating workflows of AI-enabled steps.

To create a new Workflow, navigate to the Home page (click the CloudCruise icon), then ‘Create new Workflow’ at the bottom.

Each workflow starts with a ‘Start’ node, and ends on an ‘End’ node. To add a new node to the workflow, right click or click on the ‘+’ icon in the bottom left of the screen. See ‘Steps’ below for more info about the different types of actions you can take in nodes. Workflows use variables to keep track of information extracted or passed in to each action (see ‘Variables’).

To a run a workflow, go to the Home page (click the CloudCruise icon), then select the workflow you want to run. In the workflow run page, you can add any input variables that you need for the workflow (make sure they adhere to the type you defined in the workflow!).

To get the results of a workflow go to the user menu (User icon top right) and select Run Results.


Your account comes preloaded with a list of recipe templates that you can explore and edit yourself to get a sense for how to build workflows.

You can also checkout these video walkthroughs:

  1. Filling out forms & search fields → workflow to download files from the California State License Board’s website.
  2. Exploring → workflow to go through a list of websites and explore them to find employee information
  3. Extracting data → workflow to extract the contact info of a list of dentists on Yelp
  4. Automated HR audit on Gusto, check the state of each one and their docs

Building a Workflow

To start building a workflow, first click on your user icon at the top right of the screen, select ‘Workflows’, then click on ‘create new workflow’ at the bottom of the screen.


Variables represent any of the items that you need during a workflow. For example, a company name, or a list of website urls. Define them in the ‘Variables’ tab at the bottom of the workflow builder, then you can reference them in the input variables, or in the steps of the workflow.

The variables in CloudCruise have specific types: strings, numbers, objects (dictionaries), or arrays (lists). Objects are only allowed to be one-level deep (nested keys are not possible). Arrays also must be made up of Object items — other kinds of arrays like strings or numbers are not possible.

Input Variables

Some workflows start with a list of items to process. For example, if you had a list of websites and you wanted to check each one for contact information. To set up input variables, add a new variable in the ‘Variable tab’, then assign it in the ‘Information’ tab. When you come to run the workflow, you will be able to add variables according to the variable that you defined.